Tasks feature let you assign tasks to your contacts. Tasks can be created from both task modal window and sidebar by clicking + Add new task button. You should select at least one contact to assign. Also viewers can see tasks but cannot edit.
You show tasks either task modal window by clicking Tasks icon on the left near your profile photo nor selecting chat displaying tasks for specific contacts. You can see chart details with mouse hover on chart data.
Graphic charts in the task modal window display and class your tasks by priority and status. Tasks by contacts charts take place on the bottom. The chart in the contacts tab shows you tasks by their statuses. Other chart in the tasks tab shows you contacts by their task load. The task will be check as overdued if won't complete before duedate. You can edit duedate and other properties by clicking edit button on the right. Taks can be checked as completed or canceled by clicking complete and cancel icons on the right.
You can add subtask for your tasks. Subtasks have the same properties with tasks. They can be assigned to contacts of parent task's contacts.
Tasks have comments you can add and other assigned people will see it. Comment can be added by clicking user icon at right bottom. Also you can sees all comments of the tasks.
Every chat on left has a Task icon when you hover with cursor you'll see a tooltip